Opportunities for the community of St. Anastasia Church to learn and grow in their faith, and offer service to God and others.
Meetings are held in the basement of the Shrine Church: Monday – Friday at 1:30 PM and 5:30 PM,
Once a year St. Anastasia has a blood drive. The date varies. We are in need of volunteers to help coordinate, set up, greet and clean up. The blood drive is usually held on a Sunday. For more information, please contact Jill LaMarch at 782-0635.
Every year during the Christmas season this parish sets up a Christmas tree in each church with paper angels hanging on the branches. The angels each have a name of a child in need. Each parishioner may take one or more of the angels and purchase a gift for the child named. All the gifts are brought back to the church and are then delivered to the one or two participating organizations for distribution to the needy children. For more information about this project, contact Angela Mertens at 845-781-6896
The Parish Counseling Network, provided by Catholic Charities offers short term counseling for parishioners in need. A copay of $15 is required. Please contact the parish office for a referral.
Join a fraternal organization that supports our local parishes and clergy. Our four main principles are charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The extent of your participation is completely up to you. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 8:00 PM. For more information, please contact Jim Banville from Monroe Council 2079 at 845-502-1890 or go to kofc.org/joinus to register.
The Anniversary Club is a social ministry that financially benefits the St. Anastasia Church and the club member. For $50 a year each member has a chance to win monetary prizes on a weekly basis for 50 weeks. The club year usually ends with a grand prize drawing. For more information, to join the club, or to volunteer, please contact Caron Lenihan at 845-238-3003
If a family member is sick or home bound, call the Parish Office to arrange a home visit by Fr. Bladi.